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Our Customers Say

I joined the Aquaries Family in August 2019 and it has been one of the smartest move that I have made with respect to my business. We encountered cashflow challenges during COVID-19 lockdown and Aquaries came to the rescue. Aquaries Multipurpose Cooperative Society is a forward-thinking organization made up of highly cerebral management. They saw the opportunity in agribusiness and my business potential and offered us a much needed, affordable and friendly-structured facility (having understood our business). Aquaries intervention in our business was part of the fulcrum of our expansion and growth thereafter. We were able to use the facility to pivot most especially the Fish and Poultry sections of our business. We can boast of increased capacity that is more than twice what we were before the intervention. Most importantly, Aquaries became a stakeholder and is always eager to pass on opportunities that will benefit us in the agribusiness. We get valuable advice and business opportunities from Aquaries and will not trade the relationship for anything. Aquaries lives up to its mantra, Ubuntu! (I am because we are!)
Miriam Igwebike, MD Dombyke Farms, CEO

I'm the MD of Orweseta Farms we produce catfish seedlings and table size fish. Aquaries Coop has been the financial muscle of my business with interest friendly loans without hassles. Think SME, think Aquaries. Thank you Aquaries Coop.