Becoming a member of Aquaries Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society gives you the right to participate in the management process of the organization amongst other benefits. You can otherwise also post your suggestions for improving the functioning of the society. Our society works like a well-oiled machine and we understand each other so well that we treat all our members with equal respect. We are committed to improving the standards of life and rendering all possible technology driven financial services to all members of the society.
We are a community of individuals, professionals, entrepreneurs, SMEs that come together to synergize in an organized ecosystem of business networks, finance, opportunities, marketplace, etc to leverage on each other and to create and nurture value. That is the comfort we provide at AQUARIES. So join us mow
Create an account
Create an Aquaries account, fill in accurate data and make your membership payment online.
Get your profile setup
After confirming your submitted data, we create your profile and you will be onboard into our membership.
Access our products
You have access to all our products and services including SAVINGS, LOANS, REMITTANCE, INVESTMENT and more