Saving is a compulsory cooperative practice. We encourage our members to save today in order to meet tomorrow’s rising needs. Saving is for both business and personal objectives through opening of an account with the society.

Members are encouraged to make monthly contributions into their Cooperaxtive account once they become registered Members. Members’ accumulated savings serves as collateral that can be used in assessing loans from the Cooperative up to the value of 500% of their accumulated contributions.
Furthermore, Mandatory savings are only withdrawable once a member chooses to leave the society or in the case of emergency. In this case, their accumulated contributions (plus value gotten from the quarterly profit share) are paid off completely and membership terminated in same vein.
Mandatory monthly savings contribution based on the kind of membership:
Cowries Membership – N500 to N9,999
Sapphire Membership – N10,000 and above
N.B: Non-payment of monthly savings can lead to termination of membership

Members can make voluntary contributions with the Cooperative account as both registered and unregistered members as targeted savings or fixed deposit investment with the Cooperative.
More so, members are at liberty to withdraw/liquidate their voluntary savings at their discretion or when the savings mature.